All Hair Topics

How to Remove Hair Permanently Aug 24, 2020

Excessive hair growth is not only unattractive but also unhygienic. With the help of some home remedies and natural methods discussed in this article, you can remove unwanted hair permanently. View Full Article...

Stop Hair Loss with 3 Effective Natural Methods Jun 24, 2020

Noticed lots more hair in the sink when you’re combing your hair in the morning? Before you panic, here are 3 effective ways to stop hair loss naturally. View Full Article...

How to Reduce Grey Hair May 25, 2020

It is important to understand the causes for premature grey hair and then adapt preventive measures and natural remedies to overcome the root causes. Read on to learn how to reduce grey hair. View Full Article...

Egg Yolk for Hair May 13, 2020

Natural remedies involving hair yolk can help with hair moisturizing and conditioning while also tackling the problem of hair loss. Learn how to make use egg yolk for hair for best results. View Full Article...

Multiple Hairs Growing Out of One Follicle, What to Do? May 12, 2020

Having multiple hairs growing out of a single follicle can be an annoying condition. This article explains some causes and helpful tips to manage the condition. View Full Article...

Hair Color for Blue Eyes Feb 22, 2020

When choosing a hair color for your blue eyes it is important to consider a variety of different factors in order to make a good choice. Take into consideration skin color and tone, as well as the overall image you want to project. View Full Article...

How to Curl Hair Without Heat Jan 21, 2020

Learning how to curl hair without heat is one of the best lessons a woman can ever have about her beauty regimen. These tricks can help you curl your hair without doing any damage to the sensitive roots. View Full Article...

Cellophane Hair Treatment Jan 06, 2020

Are you having problems maintaining your natural hair color? Do you want to have your hair looking healthier and feeling lighter at the same time? With the cellophane hair treatment, all that is achievable. View Full Article...

Home Remedies to Regrow Hair Dec 05, 2019

Hair loss is nearly unavoidable as we age and others may suffer significant hair loss at a younger age for a variety of reasons. Home remedies can be effective for you to regrow hair. View Full Article...

Why Is Silica Good for You and How to Use Jun 24, 2015

The new studies show that silica is actually beneficial for your health if you take silica tablets properly. You should know the dosage and side effects of using silica supplements. View Full Article...

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