All Disability Topics

Famous People with Epilepsy Aug 23, 2020

Epilepsy can cause regular seizures that can make it difficult to function. In spite of this, there are many people that have suffered from epilepsy that have gone on to make significant contributions to the world. View Full Article...

Famous People with Cerebral Palsy Aug 01, 2020

Cerebral palsy can cause severe side effects that can greatly vary from person to person. This article has outlined brief biographies of well-known people that have cerebral palsy to show that many can overcome these difficulties to have meaningful lives. View Full Article...

Famous People With Parkinson’s Jul 27, 2020

Parkinson’s disease is a serious problem that affects thousands of people around the world. Here are some of the most famous people with this disease and how they have dealt with it to achieve their dreams. View Full Article...

Famous Celebrities with Borderline Personality Disorder Jul 24, 2020

Borderline personality disorder (BPD), a type of mental illness, is characterized by symptoms of anger, mood swings and so on. There are many famous people with BPD. View Full Article...

Cri Du Chat Syndrome Facts Jul 12, 2020

Babies with Cri Du Chat Syndrome have a high-pitched cry that sounds like a cat. Symptoms can be from mild to severe, including developmental delays and retardation as well as certain facial features. View Full Article...

Famous People with Asperger’s Jun 03, 2020

Asperger’s is characterized by an extreme difficulty in social interactions. Most people with this syndrome choose to focus on a narrow field of interest, which has led to many famous people with Asperger’s syndrome making amazing contributions to various fields. View Full Article...

Famous People with Tourette May 18, 2020

Tourette syndrome can be a bothersome condition that includes both physical and vocal tics. Here are some of the famous people with Tourette’s syndrome who have controlled their condition and gone on to make great contributions to the world. View Full Article...

Famous Blind People Apr 29, 2020

Although blindness can be one of the most challenging disabilities to live with, there are many famous blind people who have managed to become incredibly successful despite their lack of sight. View Full Article...

Famous People with Dyslexia Apr 28, 2020

While many people struggle with dyslexia they can still achieve great things. Take a look here at the various famous people with dyslexia, see their accomplishments and know that you too can accomplish anything you want, despite dyslexia. View Full Article...

Famous People with Schizophrenia Apr 08, 2020

Schizophrenia is a serious mental condition that can make it almost impossible to lead a normal, healthy life. Here are some famous people with schizophrenia, some of which were able to manage it and continue their work. View Full Article...

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