How to Get Rid of Bruises

Everyday accidents such as falling down, getting injured at work or crashing into objects all end in bruises. Be it black, blue or red, a bruise is a constant reminder of what one has suffered physically. These wounds are caused by broken capillaries under the skin, as a consequence of an impingement. Quick treatment is often effective and can prevent bruising from being further aggravated.

How to Get Rid of Bruises

1. Cool Compress


In order to decrease enlargement and quicken the curative process, applying a cold solution is often useful. The first thing to do is fill a resalable plastic bag with ice chips. Alternatively, find a frozen vegetables bag of peas and corn. The ice pieces can also be wrapped in a clean cloth or shirt.

Ice should be placed on the affected region for approximately fifteen minutes after every hour so that the pain can be alleviated. However, it is important to note that the cold compress should never be rubbed on delicate areas such as around one’s eyes. In addition, putting the ice pack on the skin near the wound for too long can result in the victim suffering from extreme itchiness.

2. Warm Compress


Warmth needs to be applied to the affected area after a few days of dealing with the bruise. This will help increase blood flow to the damaged tissue and accelerate the healing process.

The procedure is simple. Dip a clean cloth in warm water and squeeze out the absorbed liquid. Put the warm cloth on the bruise until the cloth becomes cool and repeat the process several times a day. The affected region can also be massaged with a warm garment if the victim is not aching at this point. The purpose is to eliminate the dehydrated blood gathered beneath the skin and quicken blood flow.

3. Natural Oil Massage


Massaging the affected area with natural oil can help relieve swelling and inflammation. Using olive oil is recommended, as it is an effective healing agent. Alternatives like castor oil and coconut oil can also be utilized.

Victims should be careful not to apply increased pressure in the process of massaging the affected areas with oil as this can only result in increased pain. This should be done as many times as possible in a day as this will aid the body’s lymphatic procedure in eliminating it. To increase the effect of the massage, it should be heading outwards from the center of the bruise.

4. Witch Hazel


Those suffering from wounds need not worry as they can also use witch hazel, a product well known for its remedial functions. A cotton stuffing can be immersed in witch hazel and left on the bruised location for a little time.

It provides tender relief and performs its therapeutic role at the same time. Another option is to combine chamomile essential oil, witch hazel and water. Afterwards, dip a clean cloth into the solution and place it in the vicinity of the bruise. Repeat the process two to three times a day.

5. Papaya and Pineapple


Any type of wound responsible for staining the skin can be cured quickly as both contain a large amount of antioxidants. One can either apply the pulp of these fruits around the blackened area or perform a simple act: consume them.

6. Boiled Eggs

Ancient Chinese Secret on How To Get Rid Of Bruises Or Black And Blue:

7. Elevation


The flow of blood can be decreased in the affected region with the aid of gravity. With elevation, the pooling of blood can be prevented in the bruised area by lifting the injured area above the heart, thus reducing discoloration.

For example, if your leg has a bruise, you need to sit on the couch and rest your leg on top with the help of a few pillows. The process can begin even if the leg is elevated some inches above the heart.

8. OTC Painkillers


Sometimes, the pain from a bruise can be unbearable due to the type and intensity of the bruise itself. An OTC painkiller should be taken for relief if this happens and the label needs to be read for the mentioned dose. Pertinent to mention, aspirin should be steered clear of at all costs as it is capable of worsening the wound by thinning the blood.

9. Parsley


One of the easiest ways to handle a bruise is to take a handful of fresh parsley leaves, crush and spread them all over the damaged area. The location should be wrapped with an elastic bandage afterwards. Chances are that a bruise will heal more rapidly as parsley performs the function of decreasing pain and lessening irritation.

10. Arnica


Research strongly suggests the treatment of bruises with Arnica, known as the medicinal flower. Enlargement and irritation can be lessened with this particular herb. Broken tissue and muscles in the region of the injury can also be cured. The herb should be quickly used at least twice or thrice per day so that the injury does not intensify. It can be bought in the form of ointments and balms.

11. Comfrey


Bruising and soreness can be treated at home with the help a comfrey root. A tiny quantity of water and comfrey root is required to create a paste. This needs to be applied on the damaged region at least once a day. An alternative is to make tea by boiling comfrey root in water, followed by dipping a clean cloth in the warm tea and applying it to the bruised area.

When to See a Doctor

Most bruises do not need serious medical attention and, as shown above, can be treated safely at home. However, medical attention is recommended if one is bruising without any significant bumps, falls or other injuries. Furthermore, the services of a doctor will be necessary in case of a high fever or signs of infection around the bruise. It can be alarming if extreme and unbearable pressure is experienced in the region of the bruise. A significant decrease in blood and oxygen supply to one area is known as compartment syndrome and can be life threatening. Hence, a physician should be contacted if anything happens to correspond with the above symptoms.

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