Things to Buy for Pregnant Women

Perhaps the most monumental occasion for every woman is the time she becomes pregnant. As a refreshingly exciting change in your life, it signifies a drastic transformation in her lifestyle. Mostly women are focused towards counting the days until their baby is born. In order to avoid undue stress during pregnancy, they need a comprehensive list of items which will help make their life easy during the next 9 months. As friends or relatives of the pregnant, you might want to know what things you should buy for them, especially in the first trimester and the second trimester. It is also important for the mother- to-be to know things because it’s better to keep everything at hand.

Things to Buy for Pregnant Women

1. For the First Trimester


Why do You Need It?

Pregnancy Books

You will need a good and informative set of books on pregnancy which will allow you to feel at ease with the changes in your body. These books should serve as guides on what things you can and cannot do while you are pregnant. You should get authentic and comprehensive books on the topic, e.g. The Pregnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything You Need to Know From America's Baby Experts, by William and Martha Sears.

Loose Pants

You will need to have pants that are looser at the waistband so it doesn’t feel too tight around your belly. Ideally you shouldn’t try to fit into old jeans or tight clothes on purpose, wearing loose pants or a waistband extender will offer you more comfort. Waistband extenders have also proven to prevent morning sickness for some women.

Body Pillow

The most important part in pregnancy is to stay relaxed so that you don’t aggravate the natural pains or swellings in your body. A body pillow will provide the necessary support and comfort while sleeping. A relaxing full-night’s sleep will ensure that you have enough energy for the rest of the day. A body pillow is ideal for women who experience insomnia in early pregnancy.

Tooth Care

During pregnancy due to oral dryness, your mouth and gums are more likely to be afflicted with diseases. To prevent this, use a toothbrush and a mouthwash to clean your teeth and floss them regularly. Taking care of your oral health will prevent periodontal diseases.

Cotton Bra

Breast tenderness and pain during early stages of pregnancy is a cause of concern for many women. You should strictly avoid wearing padded bras or bras with an underwire because these will make you feel very uncomfortable. The best option is to get soft cotton bras which allow your breasts to have enough support and do not restrict your breathing. Some women prefer not wearing bras but in certain cases this might worsen the tenderness.

Body Lotion

In order to keep your skin soft and supple, get a good quality body lotion and massage your body to relieve dryness and aches. As your belly grows and the skin starts to stretch you might experience more dryness around your belly and dryness might even lead to itching. A good moisturizing body lotion can prevent dryness and even stretch marks later on.

Pregnancy Journal

Keep a diary of your thoughts and experiences during pregnancy. This becomes like a therapy for expressing your thoughts and feeling comfortable in your situation. Writing will help relieve stress and it might even take your mind off any persistent minor aches or discomforts. You can look at this journal as a keepsake project for your baby.

Watch this video of a mom sharing the things she bought for her pregnancy so that you can get an idea of what you might need:

2. For the Second Trimester


Why do You Need It?

Maternity Clothes

By the second trimester, your body must have grown more and you will find it harder to fit in any of your old clothes. Buying maternity clothes at this stage will be essential. You can get a variety of stylish maternity clothes with flairs and pleats, which will make you, look beautiful. Tighter clothes will only restrict your movement and comfort; therefore, purchasing maternity wear is important because it is loose and uses comfortable fabric.

Sleeping Aids

A complete undisturbed sleep is important for your health at this stage. Try to drink warm milk or chamomile tea to induce sleep. You can even opt for sleeping masks, ear plugs, install insulation in your room, move the TV out of the bedroom and even use comfortable bedding to get a good night’s sleep. Avoid caffeine and stressful activities, which might prevent you from sleeping. If you cannot sleep, instead of stressing out, grab a good book and relax.

Proper Seating

After your baby is born, you might spend many sleepless nights nursing him/her. For this, you should have a rocking chair or a glider which would make late night feeding easier. The movement of a rocker will be relaxing for the baby as well. You should also get a footstool for providing support to your swollen feet.

Pregnancy Books

Before going into labor, it is essential to have the requisite information in order to prevent any undue stress. A stepwise guide will inform you about everything you need to know. It will help you identify the normal and abnormal things during your pregnancy. For the latter you should immediately consult a doctor.

Baby Clothes

As the time for birth draws near, you should have a supply of comfortable baby clothes. You might feel the urge to dress up your baby, but during the first few weeks focus on warmth and comfort while selecting clothes. Ensure that the clothes are made from the softest and finest fabric, mostly cotton and that they do not irritate the baby.

Changing Table

You have to become an expert at changing your baby’s diapers and cleaning them up. Avoid using a bed for this because you might have to clean up afterwards. A changing table has the right height and dimensions to allow for the baby to be placed comfortably while you change his/her diaper.


Initially, it might be appropriate to have a bassinet for your baby and some mothers feel more comfortable if they sleep with their baby. However, in the long-run it will be more comfortable for your child to have a separate mattress and crib.

Bedding for the Baby

You will require plenty of soft sheets, a comfortable mattress and swaddling sheets to wrap up your baby and to provide enough warmth. Purchase only the right and firm kind of bedding for your child and swaddle them properly; extra soft bedding and sleeping on the stomach can be harmful for the baby.

Items for the Nursery

By now you should start assembling a separate space for your child to play and be around. Buying items for the nursery and decorating the walls or carpeting the room can be some projects you can start with.

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