Itchy Red Bumps on the Skin

Physical appearance and presentation pretty much decide your personal, social and professional life. One of the commonest skin issues is itchy red skin bumps that may present as an acute problem and if the inciting cause is not removed, the lesions may become a permanent source of embarrassment and issues. It can be caused by minor conditions like hormonal changes, but can also be caused by serious conditions.

Causes and Treatments of Itchy Red Bumps on Skin

This article will list some common causes of itch red bums on the skin and some easy home remedies to manage the problem amicably.

1. Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is an allergic condition that is reported in some susceptible individuals as a result of exposure to allergens. Removal of the inciting source is fairly sufficient to alleviate the problem. Common sources of allergy are poison ivy, oak, jewelry, soaps or certain fragrance and chemicals.


After exposure to the allergen, red itchy bumps appear on the skin that are neither life threatening nor contagious but are nevertheless disgusting and highly uncomfortable.

Skin may peel and you may also experience burning sensation in the skin.


It is recommended to avoid the allergens completely. You can seek medical attention if you are unable to short list the allergens that are responsible for itchy red bumps on your skin. Here are a few treatment options that may restore normal skin as early as possible.

Home remedies

Anti-itch cream: Anti-itch creams induce a soothing relief and hydrocortisone content prevents further deterioration by suppressing allergic response. Most over the counter creams contain 1% hydrocortisone.

OTC antihistamine: Anti histamine prevent the release of histamines from mast cells that are the primary cells responsible for an allergic response.

Cool compress: Cool compresses shorten the overall duration of itchiness and helps in reducing burning sensation from the skin.

Cool bath: Cool baths are not only helpful in reducing the discomfort but also reduce the secretion of histamine naturally from mast cells (heat is a trigger for histamine release). You can also add colloidal oatmeal or baking soda in your bathing water.

Mild soaps: Until your skin recovers completely, make sure to totally avoid soaps that contain artificial colors or strong chemicals or dyes.

Medical treatments

Your doctor may advice you steroids (oral or/and topical) in case of severe reaction

2. Pruritus

Pruritis or itchy skin can be a result of infection or inflammation of superficial layers of skin as a result of contact with an irritant or pathogen. However, in certain cases pruritis can be caused by systemic or hormonal issues like renal failure or liver failure as a result of buildup of toxins in the blood. Certain drugs can also cause pruritis.


Symptoms of pruritus closely resemble contact dermatitis and marked by an intractable desire to scratch the skin.

Scratching leads to itchy red bumps that may be painful and may followed by peeling of skin and increased risk of infections.


The treatment and management options to alleviate the symptoms of pruritis are same as that of contact dermatitis.

3. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is another skin condition in which the cell cycle is interrupted and superficial squamous skin cells tend to pile up on the surface of the body. It is a chronic skin problem that has a recurring and remitting course


Appearance of silvery white lines or plaques (that are especially concentrated around joints or skin folds).

Burning or soreness of skin.

Joint swelling.


Home Remedies

Daily bath: Make sure to bathe daily that helps in loosening the skin scales and calming the irritated or inflamed skin. Additionally, add Epsom salt, bathing organic oils and Dead Sea salt in your bathing water to alleviate irritation and totally avoid chemicals, harsh soaps and very hot water for bathing,

Moisturizer: Apply a lot of moisturizers and lotions that helps in softening scales on your skin. If you have very dry skin, you may get benefitted by natural skin oils. Make sure to cover most affected areas at night with heavy coat of moisturizer and plastic wraps. Avoid tight dressing.

Less sun exposure: Minimize intense sun exposure to prevent loss of moisture and hydration from the skin

Medicated ointment or creams are helpful in reducing the risk of infection.

Healthy diet: Maintain a healthy nutritious diet that contains all the nutrients and vitamins and minerals. An ideal diet is one that contain blanched portions of lean meat, grains and fresh fruits and vegetables

Avoiding triggers: Identify the triggers that initiate or aggravate the symptom of psoriasis and totally avoid the triggers.

Medical treatments

Topical steroids, topical retinoids and coal tar.

4. Pityriasis Rosea

It is a skin condition marked by red itchy bumps that follows scaly patches around abdomen/ neck or back region.


Appearance of large scaly patches on skin that may be red and itchy.

Sometimes sore-throat and fever precedes the symptoms.


Home Remedies

Apply calamine lotion of on affected areas.

Bathe regularly with slightly warm water.

Take oatmeal baths.

Medical treatments

Steroids, anti- histamines and anti- viral drugs

5. Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin condition marked by shortened life span of skin cells and excessive peeling of superficial skin layers.


Thick cracked and itchy skin

Appearance of red bumps that may blister

Sensitive skin from over-scratching.


Home Remedies

Avoid triggers such as wool product, rugs and harsh soaps and detergents.

Apply calamine lotion on affected areas and obtain a good anti-itch cream.

Avoid scratching.

Take warm baths.

Apply warm and cool compresses.

Keep your skin hydrated.

Medical treatments

Oral and topical steroids, oral anti-histamines, antibiotics, immunomodulators and phototherapy.

6. Other Causes


Condition Description

Hormonal Imbalances

Hyper or hypo-secretion of some hormones can affect the secretion of oil from the skin, leading to dermatitis and itchy red bumps on the skin.

Fungal Infections

Most fungal infections are mild and transient. Complicated or chronic infections are reported in immuno-compromised individuals. Seek medical help if your condition deteriorates.


Allergic reaction to certain drugs, antibiotics or sting of bees can lead to red, itchy rash that may worsen requiring medical treatment in 15 to 25% cases.

Insect Bites

Bites from insects (bees, mites, ticks and mosquito) can also produce the symptoms of red, itchy skin that resolves spontaneously in most cases within hours.


Infections with the Sarcoptes scabiei (a mite) can produce the symptoms of intense itchiness and red bumps due to skin irritation.

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