All Hair & Nails Topics

Egg Yolk for Hair May 13, 2020

Natural remedies involving hair yolk can help with hair moisturizing and conditioning while also tackling the problem of hair loss. Learn how to make use egg yolk for hair for best results. View Full Article...

My Nail Beds Are Purple, Why? Apr 17, 2020

Purple fingernails and nail beds can be a sign of a several disease. You can try to increase the circulation in hands, but if it doesn't improve, see your doctor. View Full Article...

What Causes Gray Hairs? Apr 17, 2020

Graying hair is a natural process and you cannot fight with this problem. However, premature graying can be treated. It is better to consult your doctor if you start developing gray hair before 45 to 50 years of age. View Full Article...

7 Essential Vitamins for Nail Health Apr 15, 2020

Vitamins are required to increase the strength and growth of nails. Learn the most important vitamins for your nails and how to get them from food. View Full Article...

How to Repair Dry Hair Apr 04, 2020

Restoring moisture to your hair is a key strategy to improving the shine and luster. Follow the listed home remedies to repair dry hair and you will be seeing results in just a week or two. View Full Article...

How to Style Bangs Mar 06, 2020

If you are one of those people who prefer flexible hairstyles, then bangs are probably your best option. You can easily manipulate it to give it a more official look, and at the same time change it back for a night out with the girls. View Full Article...

Yellow Toenails Mar 05, 2020

There are several causes and treatments for yellow toenails. The instance you see an infection on your toe nails, it is best you try a few home remedies as listed in the article, and if they do not work, visit a doctor. View Full Article...

Hair Color for Blue Eyes Feb 22, 2020

When choosing a hair color for your blue eyes it is important to consider a variety of different factors in order to make a good choice. Take into consideration skin color and tone, as well as the overall image you want to project. View Full Article...

How to Grow a Beard Feb 04, 2020

Learning how to grow a beard is easier than you think. These tried and true tips for growing a beard can help ensure that your facial hair is thick and neatly trimmed, just the way you have always wanted it to be. View Full Article...

How to Make Eyebrows Grow Jan 26, 2020

Thick and full eyebrows enhance the beauty many folds. How to make eyebrows grow? This article discusses some proven home remedies, as well as effective commercial products to enhance the growth of your eyebrows. View Full Article...

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