What Is Health? How to Maintain Good Health

Not being ill, is not good health. Good health is when there is a feeling of being happy, whole and complete – physically, mentally and spiritually. Taking medicines when unwell is not being healthy. It is to prevent illness, a change in attitude towards falling ill, healing or recuperation. It includes eating the right food, taking vitamins, exercising and doing all the things which makes us feel good.

What Is Good Health?

Perception of good health has changed over the years. Good health does not mean absence of illness or disease anymore; it’s more than that. It is well-being in physical, mental and social aspects.

Lifestyle today has become very hectic and thus maintaining good health has become even more important. People of all age groups and gender are required to be healthy, have a disease-free body and remain energetic. It is significant from the aspect of economic lifestyle as well.

This video may help you to get a clearer idea of what is health:

Tips on Keeping Physically Healthy

When we are unwell, the first sign that is visible is physical appearance of being unhealthy. Hence it is critical for overall wellbeing and crucial for sustaining overall health and wellness. It encompasses the state of body to include its compositions, development, function and maintenance.

Components of Physical Health

What It Involves and How to Deal With It

Carrying out physical activity

Physical activity includes strength, flexibility and endurance activities. Adults and children should incorporate exercise in daily routine. Leisure physical activity like hiking, biking and walking and structured physical activity like strength training, running and playing sports should be included in exercise regime.

Dieting and good nutrition

Having good nutrition means proper nutrient intake, good fluid intake and healthy digestion. Eating a diet consisting of all major nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and mineral. Water in adequate amounts should be had on daily basis. Small and frequent meals should be had throughout the day. Any nutrient restrictions should be done under supervision of health care provider or nutritionist only.

Intake of alcohol and drugs

Intake of alcohol or drugs should be reduced or abstinence should be maintained. They are known to cause alteration in body process and mood swings.

Practicing self-care using medicines

Minor ailments and injuries should be attended in time and emergency medical care should be taken when necessary. A first aid kit containing OTC medications, bandages, lozenges should be kept at home. Fevers, persistent cough should be treated by doctor. For any other serious conditions, emergency medical care should be sought.

Taking adequate rest and sleep

Ensure that you get a good night’s sleep without disturbances and also take rest or relax periodically. This helps in rejuvenating the body. Sleeping for 7-9 hours in a quiet, dark environment is essential. Inability to sleep, sleeping for longer duration should be checked by doctor.

You may watch a video to learn some other ways to maintain a healthy body: 

Tips on Maintaining Good Mental Health

Mental health includes emotional, social and psychological health. It is very important in every stage of life, whether childhood, adolescence or adulthood. How we react to stress, relate to others, think, feel, act and make choices depends on the mental health.

Mental problems will affect mood, behavior, thinking and overall outlook towards life. These problems can be caused due to biological factors like genetics or brain chemistry, trauma, abuse and family history of mental illness.

1.    Signs That You May Have Mental Problems

  • Usually there would be some signs indicating that you are experiencing some mental problems:
  • A dramatic change in daily habits including eating, sleeping, smoking and drinking
  • Severe mood swings which might lead to arguments and fights with people around
  • Extremely negative and panic thoughts like despair, depression, confusion, worry, wrath, etc.
  • The tendency to hurt yourself
  • Unable to focus or get things done
  • Illusions about voices and things
  • Showing no interest or care towards things, activities or people around you
  • Low spirits, body aches and pains

2.    Ways to Help You Maintain Mental Health

Sound mental health ensures that you feel confident, function properly in everyday life, take up new challenges when opportunities come up and have an overall sense of wellbeing. One can maintain good mental health by following simple steps in routine life:

  • Keep strong relationships with people around you: Developing and maintaining good relationship with people helps in enriching life and mental health. It is a good practice to put time and efforts in working towards building relationships, as they will help in overall wellbeing.
  • Indulge yourself a bit: Indulging in activities which interest you or give you pleasure also helps in boosting mental health. Activities to which you get drawn to should be taken up. This includes hobbies, projects or even joining clubs with likeminded people which will provide a sense of belonging. Doing crosswords, reading, sewing, drawing, playing, taking a walk, dancing, etc. are options which can be taken up.
  • Keep learning: Learning new things, developing new attributes helps in improving mental health and builds skill and confidence. Taking up challenges and achieving goals gives a sense of achievement and progress.
  • Manage your stress: Stress is the root cause of many ailments and causes mental distress as well. Avoiding stress triggers, preparing and managing stress is very helpful. Stress is natural; however, how it affects us depends on how we deal with it. Relaxations like yoga and exercise can help in managing stress.
  • Live in the moment: Living in the moment; being aware of oneself, the surrounding as well as every breath we take; and noticing the little things in life is very helpful. Not worrying about the past or the future, focusing on the moment, awareness about the inner and outer world improves the mental health.
  • Get some help: Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Go to a doctor, counselor or any community providing mental health service when need felt. Everybody’s life has some ups and downs and some form of worries. Ask for help till you get it.

In the following video, Professor Jane Fisher tells you more about good mental health: 

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