Sore Nipples During Pregnancy: Causes and Relief

Due to the hormone shifts, it is quite common to experience pain in nipples after delivery. Most women know it well and understand they may also experience pain and tenderness in one or both nipples and the surrounding area if they don't breastfeed. Many women experience nipple pain. In some cases, the pain last the whole nine months with nipples becoming swollen, sore, tingly, and sensitive to touch. Keep reading to learn more about painful nipples pregnancy.

Why Would I Have Nipple Pain During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is obvious to see an increase in the secretion of progesterone and estrogen, which in most cases will lead to breast tenderness and sore nipples. There will be an increase in good fat that accumulates in your breast. You will notice an increased blood flow to the same area, which in some cases cause breast and nipple pain.

Painful nipples pregnancy is definitely an issue, but you may also notice other changes in your breasts during pregnancy. Your nipples may look more erect than normal and protrude from your breast. The nipples and breasts will be extremely tender with areola, the dark area around your nipple, becoming spotted, darker, and bigger.

Other Breast Changes You May Experience During Pregnancy

You will notice your breasts getting bigger around 6 weeks pregnant and may continue to grow until the end of your pregnancy. You may notice increase in your cup size, especially if you're conceiving for the first time. It is also common to experience itching around your breasts with unsightly stretch marks. Veins under your skin will become more prominent with nipples looking darker and bigger. Your breasts will produce colostrums around third month of your pregnancy – a thick yellowish substance, which is actually a special type of milk beneficial for your baby. You breast may discharge some of this thick yellowish substance when you're close to the end of your pregnancy.

How to Relieve Nipple Pain During Pregnancy?

It is important to share your feelings with your partner and tell him about how worried you are about sore nipples during pregnancy.You should also consider using the following tips to help improve your condition. While you may not be able to find complete relief from pain and tenderness, you will definitely be able to handle things better.

1. Get a Bra with Correct Cup Size

 It is important to know how to measure your cup size. Be sure to measure it right under your breasts. You should never wear smaller cup sizes that don't fit well or you will end up dealing with extreme pain and discomfort. Remember, your breasts will continue to grow throughout your pregnancy, so be sure to buy a few extra bras to support your breasts.

2. Get the Right Type of Bra

You should avoid buying under-wired bras because they are usually quite uncomfortable during pregnancy. You should put your money on a sports bra, so they could accommodate the increase in your breast size. They will help keep your 'growing' breasts in place to minimize discomfort. You may also opt for bras with no seams because they will minimize irritation.

3. Sleep in Your Bra

You may even consider sleeping in your bra to limit breasts movements, which in turn will help limit discomfort and put you in a better position to deal with soreness, tenderness, and nipple pain during pregnancy.

4. Buy Breast Pads

During the first few weeks of your pregnancy, you will notice your nipples becoming extremely sensitive to touch. Even the lining of your bra will cause irritation and pain. The simple solution is to use breast pads to decrease the pain.

5. Take a Warm Water Shower

You will benefit greatly by taking a warm water bath during pregnancy. Simply fill your bathtub with warm water – keep the temperature lower than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, lie down in it for a few minutes while making sure your breasts are immersed in the water. You may even make water flow over your breasts by making circular motions on the water.

6. Don't Touch Your Breasts

In order to deal with your sore breasts during pregnancy, you should learn not to touch them. You should also explain your situation to your partner and tell him not to touch your breasts either. This will tell him to be more caution during lovemaking or even hugging. This will really go a long way in relieving pain and tenderness.

7. Use Lotions and Creams

You can find several lotions and creams to help relieve pain and discomfort. You can use OTC creams to soothe your sore breasts. Lanolin is a great choice because it prevents dryness, infection, and irritation in your sore breasts. Calendula and chamomile are other effective alternatives. Simply placing chamomile tea bags on your tender breasts will help ease discomfort and swelling.

8. Use a Cool Compress

It is quite common to see a raise in the temperature of your breasts, so using a cool compress will definitely help to relieve nipple pain during pregnancy. You can use a cold flannel, ice pack, cold cabbage leaves, or even a cool washcloth for this purpose.

9. Keep Your Body Hydrated

You should consider drinking plenty of water during pregnancy because this will discourage water retention that often contributes to tender, swollen breasts.

10. Use Medications

You may want to use specific medications to reduce soreness if other remedies aren't working great. Tylenol is a great choice for tender breasts, but it is a good idea to discuss your condition with your doctor and then confirm if you can use specific medications to soothe your tender breasts. Avoid using a combination of medications to treat your condition.

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