Foods for Healthy Liver

Consuming fried or over-processed foods or constantly expose the body to stress and environmental pollutants can overwork the liver. When the liver is overloaded it loses its ability to process fats and toxins efficiently, which can lead to health problems. There are many foods that will help to naturally cleanse the liver by cleaning away toxic waste that can take its toll on this organ. Besides, other tips for a healthy liver are also among your choice.

Foods for Healthy Liver

1. Leafy Vegetables

image001Leafy greens are high in chlorophylls that remove toxins from the blood stream while neutralizing pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals in the body to help protect the liver. Items such as mustard greens, dandelion greens, bitter gourd, arugula or chicory can be consumed juiced, raw or cooked to get these benefits. Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolate that can improve the liver’s enzyme production to flush away carcinogens. Cabbage can help to stimulate detoxifying enzymes in the liver to increase overall function.

2. Grapefruit

The antioxidant and vitamin C content of grapefruit is helpful in enabling the liver’s natural cleansing processes. Consuming fresh squeezed grapefruit juice can also help to stimulate the liver’s enzymes that are useful in removing toxins such as carcinogens from the body.

3. Lemon and Lime

image002Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C that helps the body to synthesize toxic materials that enter the body through drinking water. Consuming lime or lemon juice first thing in the morning is also said to improve liver function.

4. Avocado

This fruit is high in glutathione that helps to cleanse toxins from the liver to prevent damage.

5. Green Tea

Green tea is hailed for its catechin antioxidants that improve the function of the liver while improving dietary function.

6. Olive Oil


Oils that are cold pressed can be consumed in moderation to provide a lipid base for absorbing harmful chemicals so the liver does not suffer from overload. Hemp, olive and flaxseed oils can be used for this purpose.

7. Whole Grains

Whole grains are high in B-complex vitamins that can help the body metabolize fat more efficiently. This will in turn improve liver decongestion and function.

8. Beats and Carrots

These vegetables are high in beta-carotene and flavonoids that can stimulate the function of the liver.

9. Walnuts


These nuts contain arginine acid that can help to detoxify ammonia as well as high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and glutathione which can improve the liver’s natural cleansing function. Nuts should be chewed until they are liquefied to take advantage of these benefits.

10. Apple

Apples contain pectin that helps to cleanse toxins that build up in the digestive tract so that the liver is not forced to manage an excessively high toxic load.

11. Spices

Garlic contains enzymes that the body uses to flush away toxins. It is also high in selenium and allicin that can be used to cleanse the liver. Turmeric improves the function of liver enzymes so it is easier to remove dietary carcinogens from the body.

Healthy Tips for Healthy Liver

1. Keep a Healthy Weight

As many as 30 percent of obese people also suffer from fatty liver disease that can lead to liver scarring, liver cancer or liver failure. Carrying extra weight in the midsection can increase insulin resistance that can contribute to the development of this condition. To avoid this, men should maintain a midsection circumference that is no more than 102cm and women 88cm. Eating a diet that has plenty of antioxidants, fiber and vitamins as well as exercising regularly can help to improve your weight levels while encouraging liver health.

2. Avoid Fad Foods

Fad diets often cause a constant cycle of weight loss and gain that can stress your liver. Any products that claim you will lose a large amount of weight in a very short amount of time often lack essential nutrients, causing you to experience ill health if you depend on them. You should not try to lose more than 1kg per week. You should also avoid fad foods that claim to detox or cleanse your liver. There is no diet that is proven to have these effects. Instead, seek out a nutritious diet that will benefit your overall health.

3. Reduce Fat Intake

High cholesterol and blood fat levels have been linked to liver disease. Lowering your overall fat intake and focusing on consuming unsaturated fats can help you to avoid these consequences. You may also need to use mediations if these efforts are unsuccessful.

4. Drink Less Alcohol

Consuming even 20ml of alcohol each day, or 2 alcoholic beverages, can cause liver damage. Women are particularly susceptible to this concern. If necessary, talk to your doctor about programs that can help you cut down your alcohol use.

5. Quit Smoking

Smoking has been proven to contribute to the risk of liver cancer. Cigarette smoke increases the toxicity of some medications which can further impact the health of the liver.

6. Do Yoga Poses

The following link provides information on how to utilize yoga to improve liver health.

7. Take Blood Tests Regularly

Blood tests can help you check your glucose, fat and cholesterol levels to ensure they are not at the point where they could damage your liver or other organs. If you have a condition like diabetes it is especially critical that you monitor your glucose levels regularly and take steps with your diet, weight management or medications to keep these levels in check.

8. Get Vaccinated

Getting hepatitis A and B vaccinations can help you prevent damage to the liver. If you choose not to get a hepatitis A vaccination avoid partially or uncooked oysters, clams, scallops or muscles that can be contaminated with the disease. Those that are not vaccinated against hepatitis B should make a point of practicing safe sex.

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