All Skin Topics

How to Treat Pigmentation Apr 06, 2020

Learning how to treat pigmentation starts with basic home remedies, including masks made from natural ingredients such as honey. In severe cases, professional treatment is needed. View Full Article...

Rash on Stomach Mar 26, 2020

Skin rashes are common ailments, which occur often on the stomach. There are various causes of rashes on the stomach and treatments vary according to causative conditions. Use home remedies to soothe the affected areas. View Full Article...

Home Remedies for Oily Skin Mar 25, 2020

Oily skin can be very unsightly and embarrassing. You can use home remedies for oily skin to gently soothe, remove excess oil and tone the skin without stripping it of essential oils. View Full Article...

Can You Get Athlete's Foot On Your Hands? Mar 23, 2020

Can you get athlete's foot on your hands? Yes, you definitely can as it's highly contagious and can spread to any part of the body. But don't worry, there're ways to prevent this! View Full Article...

Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Pimple Mar 20, 2020

Pimples can be treated with ease using simple homemade products and items of daily use. Learn the fastest way to get rid of a pimple with simple home remedies. Remember to avoid popping the pimple. View Full Article...

Dark Spots on Skin Mar 17, 2020

Dark spots are a common result of sun exposure and aging. That doesn’t mean women have to put up with them. Many home and professional remedies exist and are highly effective in treating dark spots on the face. View Full Article...

Itchy Skin at Night with No Rash Mar 16, 2020

Itchy skin at night without any rash is often a sign of an internal condition. You can soothe this kin by learning effective tips here. View Full Article...

How Long Will It Take to Heal from Shingles? Mar 12, 2020

Being tortured by the rashes and blisters, people ask how long it takes for shingles to heal. Well, it depends. But there're certainly ways to speed it up. View Full Article...

Eczema Diet Mar 12, 2020

Stick to a well-balanced eczema diet by taking yogurt and foods rich in omega-3, etc. and avoiding foods that may be harmful to cope with eczema symptoms. View Full Article...

How to Get Fair Hands Mar 10, 2020

Are you trying to get fair hands but nothing seems to work? Simple hand care routines combined with a range of homemade hand packs can help you fight wrinkles on hands and render a youthful look. View Full Article...

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