All Respiratory System Topics

Fluid in Lungs Jun 29, 2020

Pulmonary edema, or fluid in lungs, can be a life-threatening problem. Learn the signs of fluid in your lungs, what to do if you notice that you have the symptoms of pulmonary edema and more importantly how to prevent the problem. View Full Article...

What Causes Sneezing and Runny Nose? Jun 22, 2020

Do you consistently suffer from sneezing and a runny nose? Learn everything you need to know about the causes and treatment. View Full Article...

Sinus Drainage Jun 11, 2020

Sinus drainage can be an irritating and unpleasant experience that can cause more problems in the future. Luckily, there are plenty of treatments available, both medicinal treatments and remedies that you can try at home. View Full Article...

Pneumonia Home Treatment May 15, 2020

Pneumonia home treatments like rest and using garlic or turmeric can help to relieve symptoms. However, if pneumonia symptoms are serious, see medical help immediately. View Full Article...

Pleural Fluid Analysis May 07, 2020

Pleural fluid analysis, or thoracentesis, is used to help diagnose the cause of inflammation of the pleura and/or accumulation of fluid in the pleural space pleural effusion. View Full Article...

Black Mucus May 02, 2020

Black mucus is a common cause for concern. Knowing the various causative factors in advance can save the annoyance of experiencing this condition or can give an advantage of bettering dealing with it. View Full Article...

Airborne Diseases Apr 22, 2020

Airborne diseases can be caused by viruses, bacteria and fungus. Treatments and vaccines are available for these infections, and it is important to understand symptoms as many serious diseases copy symptoms from less threatening illnesses. View Full Article...

How to Clean Your Lungs Apr 01, 2020

How to clean your lungs to get all the toxins and waste out of your body? You can try a 3-day regimen or opt for remedies like elecampane, peppermint or lobelia. View Full Article...

Decortication: A General Introduction to the Purpose and Procedure Mar 26, 2020

Decortication is a surgery that involves removal of diseased pleura to improve breathing for conditions like empyema, pleurisy, fibrothorax and malignant mesothelioma. View Full Article...

Crackling Sound While Breathing Mar 23, 2020

It is recommended that you take note of the crackling sound you make while breathing so that you can get prompt medical attention. Home remedies are used to ease the symptoms, but it is advisable that you visit your doctor first. View Full Article...

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