All Miscellaneous Topics

What Is Causing Your Blurry Vision and Headache? Sep 17, 2019

Various conditions can cause non-specific symptoms like blurry vision, headache, fatigue, and dizziness. These include eye disorders, circulatory system disorders, and many more. View Full Article...

Different Bacteria Types: Harmful, Beneficial and Gram Staining Sep 15, 2019

There are a number of bacterial types. However, not all are pathogenic or disease causing microbes. Learn which are harmful and which are beneficial. View Full Article...

How to Fake a Hickey on Your Neck May 23, 2019

Wonder how to fake a hickey on neck? Read on for the step by step guide with a bottle or makeup to achieve the result. But be gentle to avoid irritation. View Full Article...

How to Always Be Happy: 9 Golden Rules Dec 03, 2017

Being happy is a choice you constantly have to make. It is usually not dependent on circumstances and other people. Here are ways to always be happy. View Full Article...

How Long Does It Take to Become a Dentist? Oct 22, 2014

For those aspiring to become a dentist, the question most frequently asked is “ how long does it take to become a dentist?”. Besides knowing the time needed, it also helps to know the educational requirements to become a dentist so that you have a clearer idea. View Full Article...

Function of Stethoscope Oct 19, 2014

Stethoscopes come in many shapes and sizes and perform many important functions to assist your healthcare provider in giving you the best medical care possible. Read on to learn the function of stethoscope and how a stethoscope works. View Full Article...

Alexandria’s Genesis Nov 10, 2013

Alexandria’s Genesis is a condition that is said to give people pale skin and purple eyes. There is some debate as to whether or not this condition actually exists. Can people really get the genetic mutation? View Full Article...

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