All Digestive System Topics

Can't Stop Throwing Up Oct 07, 2019

Vomiting is a way to get rid harmful substances, but if you can't stop throwing up, you should take measures and see your doctor if the condition become severe after all home remedies. View Full Article...

Burning Sensation in Stomach Sep 28, 2019

Trapped gas, gastritis, peptic ulcer and acid effluxes and infections are some of the causes of the burning sensation in stomach. Read on to know the cause and follow the provided home remedies to treat the condition. View Full Article...

Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids Sep 08, 2019

Hemorrhoids, or piles, are the swollen, inflamed veins found in the anus and in the lower rectum. Many natural remedies can be used to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoid including home treatments and making certain lifestyle changes. View Full Article...

What Is Constipation? Aug 07, 2019

"What is constipation?" is not an unfamiliar question as most people experienced this disorder at some point in their lives. Actually, constipation can generally be relieved and prevented by diet and lifestyle changes discussed in this article. View Full Article...

Cirrhosis of the Liver Jun 19, 2019

Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious condition that results from chronic liver damage caused by various diseases of the liver. Prevention and early treatment of liver disease may help reduce the risk of developing this irreversible and life-threatening condition. View Full Article...

Dark Green Stool May 22, 2019

There are many reasons as to why children and adults experience dark green stool. Even though the change in color of stool does not warrant any alarm, it is important to seek medical attention especially if the green stool is accompanied by other symptoms like fever and pain. View Full Article...

What does Peristalsis Mean in the Digestion Process? May 09, 2019

What does peristalsis do? Peristalsis is necessary for proper digestion process of the gastrointestinal tract. Learn the peristalsis process and also how it works. View Full Article...

Symptoms of Liver Disease Apr 23, 2019

Liver disease is in fact a range of different diseases that affect the liver. In order to protect yourself, it is important to know the main types of liver disease as well as their symptoms. View Full Article...

Exploratory Laparotomy Jun 25, 2015

Exploratory laparotomy is a surgery to find out the cause of pain and bleeding in abdomen. Know the precaution, procedure and the risks to better prepare for it. View Full Article...

Bile Duct Obstruction Jan 19, 2015

Bile duct obstruction is a painful condition and often occurs after consuming. It can be caused by gallstone and bile duct inflammation. Sometimes it is life-threatening, thus need special care. View Full Article...

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