All Blood, Heart & Circulation Topics

What Should My Pulse Be? May 24, 2020

The pulse rate helps to indicate how hard your heart is working. Knowing how to measure your pulse and what your average pulse should be can help you determine if you are at the right stage of cardiovascular health. View Full Article...

High Eosinophils May 23, 2020

High eosinophils refers to an increase in a specific type of white blood cells in the blood or tissues. Usually you will treat the underlying cause of increased eosinophils instead of treating this condition head on. View Full Article...

Cholesterol Levels Chart May 20, 2020

Although it is important to know your total cholesterol level, knowing the triglycerides, HDL and LDL levels will help your doctor determine whether or not you need treatment. The charts above should help you better understand what the results mean for you. View Full Article...

Blood Pressure during Exercise May 17, 2020

Your blood pressure can be affected through different forms of exercise. How will blood pressure change during exercise? How to exercise properly to help lower high blood pressure? View Full Article...

Phlebolith May 12, 2020

In most conditions phleboliths are harmless but still can indicate serious diseases. Home remedies and preventions may help you relieve the symptoms but see a doctor immediately if phleboliths in the pelvic area cause much discomfort. View Full Article...

Normal HDL - Understanding and Managing Cholesterol Levels May 11, 2020

Cholesterol is essential for conducting basic bodily functions. We should maintain a normal HDL, LDL and overall cholesterol level. One is recommended to include physical activity and aim for healthy foods to protect against risks. View Full Article...

Low lymphocyte Count: Causes and Treatments May 11, 2020

Is your lymphocytes count below normal? This can be a cause of concern as it is an indication of a health problem as serious as cancer. Learn the causes and treatment methods. View Full Article...

Causes of Low Blood Pressure May 07, 2020

Causes of low blood pressure may be simple like a poor diet or serious like a heart problem. See a doctor if symptoms like dizziness or nausea appear. View Full Article...

How to Increase Hemoglobin? May 07, 2020

Hemoglobin is critical for maintaining a healthy body. A low hemoglobin count will make you have less energy, may decrease your immunity, and may lead to severe health problems. View Full Article...

Blood Vessels: Fuctions and Related Disorders May 02, 2020

Each of the 3 types of blood vessels has its play in the normal function of the body. Any damage to the blood vessels can lead to bleeding out or lack of blood supply to vital organs. View Full Article...

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