Gurgling Stomach

As a digestive organ, the stomach often produces an interesting variety of sounds. What could it all mean? Physicians call these sounds borborygmi and most often the cause is benign. Occasionally more serious conditions can produce that familiar rumbling sound deep within your stomach. If the gurgling stomach is persistent and accompanied by discomfort, abnormal stools or outright pain, see your doctor.

Causes of Gurgling Stomach

1. Hunger

The rumbling and grumbling noise is your body's way of reminding you to eat. The body feels hunger and the stomach is spurred into action and begins to churn and contract producing an audible clue to eat. If you skip food and drink alcohol or coffee, the irritant effects of these liquids can actually increase the noise level.

2. Intestinal disorders

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) commonly produces excessive rumbling sounds from the stomach. Other symptoms can include constipation or diarrhea. Stress triggers a flare of IBS.

3. Lack of sleep

Most of us have difficulty turning off our work when we get home. The result is sleep deprivation and stress. This leads to over eating and obesity that also can trigger excess stomach rumbling noises.

4. Nervousness

We have all felt the butterflies in the stomach sensation during nervous and anxious moments. This can trigger an increase in stomach acid and gurgling. Cognitively re-label the feeling in the pit of your stomach as a sign that you are both excited and ready for the task ahead. Practice yoga, relaxation and meditation to manage stress, anxiety and nervousness.

5. Food intolerance

Foods such as dairy and gluten are common triggers for food intolerance and symptoms. An increase in stomach distress and rumbling is the common result. As the body attempts to digest and process these foods, irritability, gas and cramps can result. The best idea is to avoid anything that upsets your stomach.

6. Sedentary lifestyle

Exercise and physical activity stimulates digestion and boosts metabolism. Sedentary people experience more problems with digestion and intestinal motility that can lead to constipation, cramps and excess rumbling from the stomach.

7. Carbonated drinks and fast foods

These two combine to cause significant health problems and also GI distress. The carbonation produces excess gas and is also acidic. These elements generate a lot of gas, belching, rumbling and distress. Add the grease and unhealthy content of fast food and then end result is clear to see. The high fat content causes indigestion, heartburn, and stomach pain and contributes to the rising obesity epidemic.

8. Eating too fast

People who eat rapidly tend not to chew their food properly. They are also prone to gulping down liquids and swallowing excess air. Both of these factors lead to stomach distress, gas, rumbling and even pain. Chew and eat slowly. Meals should never be a race to finish.


Acid reflux or GERD is the condition where stomach acid washes back into the esophagus (food tube) and results in a variety of problems. This condition causes chest pain, rumbles and over time can cause the lining of the esophagus to break down or even produce pre-cancerous cells (Barrett's esophagus).

Remedies for Gurgling Stomach

1. Dink enough water

Our body is made up of 60% water and most of us do not drink enough. Plan for 64 oz. a day on average to improve digestion and improve your overall health. It also helps eliminate excess gas faster.

2. Change your diet

Get rid of pop and carbonated beverages, cut out fried and fast food and eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Chips and fatty foods should be avoided as well.

3. Have smaller but frequent meals

Think of your body as a fireplace. Feed it small amounts more frequently and the result is improved metabolism and performance. Eating smaller meals 5-6 times a day results in less gas production and a decrease in the rumbling sounds.

4. Avoid swallowing excessive air

Certain foods, such as bread and crackers, trap air when you eat them. Drinking with a straw and talking while eating also cause air to be swallowed. All of this air has to go somewhere and will result in belching or rumbling and gas as it passes through the intestinal track.

5. Try herbal tea

Peppermint, chamomile and caraway tea all provide a nice soothing effect on the stomach and GI track. They also promote faster digestion and a sense of calmness.

6. Eat jaggery and ginger

Ten grams of jaggery and crushed ginger root will get rid of a gurgling stomach. Take both of the together for added relief. Jaggery is a popular sugar in Asian and African cultures.

7. Avoid drinking and smoking

Both alcohol and tobacco irritate the stomach and result in excess rumbling. Alcohol is acidic and irritation while tobacco decreases the production of protective stomach mucus. Both can contribute to stomach pain, GERD, ulcers, excess gas and abdominal pain. Avoidance is the best route.

8. Have enough sleep

Sleep is a restorative event and getting a minimum of 7 hours a night should be your goal. Your body repairs damage and replenishes energy while you sleep. Sleep deprived persons are at a higher risk for obesity and other health problems.

9. Avoid fast food

Other than a very rare treat, there is no logical reason to consume fast food. The health dangers are clearly evident and fast food restaurants promote excess eating and serve high fructose beverages that only harm your health. Eliminate fast food from your diet to achieve optimal health.

10. Get moving

The health benefits of exercise are well established. Those who partake in regular exercise have less obesity, heart disease, diabetes and GI problems. Even simple daily tasks like taking the stairs or parking farther away add steps and likely years to our lives.

11. Maintain good hygiene

We are exposed to a variety of dangerous bacteria and failing to properly wash our hands puts our health at risk. Cook meat thoroughly to avoid parasites that can damage your intestinal track. Wash before eating and every time you use a bathroom.

12. Try carom seeds

This home remedy is an effective way to expel excess gas. Mix carom seeds (Bishop's weed) with 1/2 teaspoon of rock salt. Take this combination with some water and it will relieve excess gas and stomach growling.

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