Blood Clot in Arm

Deep thrombosis (DVT), or commonly referred to as a blood clot, is caused by accumulation of blood in a deep vein within the body. A blood clot in arm may be caused by pregnancy, smoking, prolonged immobility and hormone therapy and can indicate serious conditions. It is important to understand the symptoms attributed to blood clots to seek medical treatment at an early stage, or as in condition not serious, some home remedies suffice to relieve blood clot in arm.

Symptoms of Blood Clot in Arm

1. Swelling

When a blood clot occurs in any vein of your arm, the affected part of your arm will start swelling. In some cases, your entire arm will start swelling. The swelling is as a result of inflammation of a vein. You can always tell when you arm is swollen; the affected part will look different from the other.

2. Redness and warmth

Many patients who have suffered from this condition have reported noticing a warm spot around the area where the blood clot has occurred. It may feel like a burning sensation and other times the affected area feels warm when touched. If the blood clot is severe, the affected area can appear red and inflamed.

3. Pain

If a blood clot in one of the veins of your arm worsens, you may start experiencing pain or soreness. The pain starts as a mild aching, but as the clot worsens, you start experiencing more pain. In some moderate to severe cases, the affected area of your arm will become very painful. In such cases, the pain feels like that of muscle soreness. There are times when the pain experienced is as severe as that of joint pain.

4. Complications

There are more severe cases, which occur in the event of a blood clot travelling to the lungs, through the bloodstream. In such a scenario, a patient will start having difficulties when breathing. There are patients who will start developing a cough that later on becomes very severe such that they might cough up blood. Another complication brought about by blood clots is accelerated heartbeat. A patient can start having chest pains. Some patients will start suffering from fever and experiencing dizziness regularly. In this regard, if you suspect you might have blood clots, you need to seek medical attention immediately. This will prevent these symptoms of blood clots from becoming complicated and severe.

Medical Treatments for Blood Clot in Arm

Anticoagulation is the best way of treating Deep Venous Thrombosis; it prevents a blood clot from growing hence resulting in a pulmonary embolus. Early therapy is also used in treating blood clot. It entails using injectable enoxaparin to thin blood and blood clots and prevent the development of further complications. Warfar (Coumadin) is also another ideal method of treating blood clots. It is taken in the form of an anticoagulation pill. It takes a couple of days for this pill to get to therapeutic levels. Within these days, both oral and injectable medications are recommended.

Home Remedies for Blood Clot in Arm

Watch a video: compression stockings for blood clots relieving

1. Keep a proper diet

Having a fibrous diet will prevent the blood from thickening. Ensure that your diet comprises of a variety of foods such as, vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, whole grains and seeds legumes. Corn, peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and walnuts contain a high percentage of Vitamin E, which helps in thinning the blood and thus preventing blood clots from occurring in veins. Avoid sugary and fatty foods. Such foods lead to clogging of veins and other blood vessels, increasing your chances of developing blood clots.

2. Try herbal tea

Tea from yarrow leaves can be used for treating blood clots. If you take 3-4 raw garlic cloves on a daily basis, you not only lower the risk of getting blood clots, but you will also thin the blood. Garlic cloves improve blood circulation to all body parts.

3. Watch your medication

Ensure that you visit a doctor on a regular basis. You will be able to tell whether your treatments or medications require any modification.

4. Move your arm

If you have been resting your arm for long for one reason or another, you might need to engage in various activities. This helps in exercising it and thus reducing the risk of developing blood clots.

5. Change your lifestyle

You need to shed some pounds if you are overweight, stop smoking and start checking your blood pressure. Smoking, high blood pressure and obesity will increase the risk of developing blood clots.

7. Watch out for excessive bleeding

This is one of the side effects attributed to taking medications used as blood thinners. Therefore, you need to keep away from activities that could cut or bruise your skin.

When to See a Doctor

Start seeking medical attention in case you experience any of these symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent pressure, squeezing pain or fullness in the middle of your chest
  • Numbness in the face, leg or arm and sudden weakness
  • Pain extending to the back, jaw, shoulder and other parts of your body
  • Experiencing sudden difficulties in understanding speech or speaking
  • Experiencing sudden blurred, decreased or double vision.
  • Chronic headaches and dizziness
  • Intense throbbing and burning on the soles and palms
  • Redness, swelling, pain, or numbness in your arm or leg
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