All Eye Health Topics

Sarcoidosis Eyes Jun 07, 2020

Sarcoidosis eyes may cause itching, burning and blurred vision. Sarcoidosis can also affect various body organs such as brain and heart. Thus have it diagnosed and treated immediately! View Full Article...

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost Apr 30, 2020

LASIK eye surgery is a potentially life-changing procedure for someone with vision difficulties. Before you have this surgery done, you need to know LASIK eye surgery cost and possible risks associated with this procedure. View Full Article...

Causes and Symptoms of Eye Floaters Apr 28, 2020

Eye floaters may appear in black dots or wavy lines. Usually it’s nothing to worry about; however, if it changes suddenly or cause great trouble, see a doctor. View Full Article...

Toddler Eye Discharge Apr 21, 2020

Eye discharge in a toddler can be indicative of a variety of different problems. The following article will explain all the possibilities as well as treatment options, including home remedies. View Full Article...

Visual Field Defects: Definition, Causes and Treatments Apr 18, 2020

Visual field defects are areas of vision that can't be seen by a person. These defects can be caused by disorders such as glaucoma, so it's important to get this evaluated and taken care of. View Full Article...

One Eye Sees Darker Than Other Apr 11, 2020

It is obvious to feel worried when you notice that your one eye sees darker than other, but you don't always need to worry, as it can be solved on its own. View Full Article...

Vision Problems Apr 07, 2020

There are some vision problems that many people take lightly not knowing that they may have serious consequences. Learn about vision problems and how to identify them. View Full Article...

How to Make Your Eyes Whiter Jan 18, 2020

We all desire beautiful, glowing and fresh eyes and want to learn how to make the eyes whiter. It can be easily achieved by makeup and dietary changes. Yet, yellow or pale eye color be due to some serious disease such as jaundice. View Full Article...

Iris: Functions and Common Diseases Nov 09, 2019

The iris is responsible for controlling the amount of light that enters. Although that is the main iris function, it also serves several other minor roles. View Full Article...

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Oct 09, 2019

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a bizarre condition that affects about 1 in every 100,000. It can have consequences all over your organism, particularly concerning your vision and even leading to blindness. View Full Article...

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