All Cancer Topics

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survival Rates Jul 21, 2020

Triple Negative Breast Cancer is more aggressive that other types of breast cancer. The triple negative breast cancer survival rates are lower, with a higher risk of death within 5 years of diagnosis. View Full Article...

Two General Types of Tumors Jul 02, 2020

There are two general types of tumors, depending on their behavior and effects on the body. Benign tumors usually grow slowly and do not cause serious health problems while malignant tumors grow rapidly and spread, posing a threat to life. View Full Article...

Invasive Breast Cancer Jun 25, 2020

Invasive breast cancer affects many women, and the spread of abnormal, malignant cells carry a great risk to one’s life. However, early detection, proper diagnosis, and adequate treatment may increase survival. View Full Article...

Bone Cancer Symptoms Jun 13, 2020

Cancer in any form is frightening and changes your life completely. Bone cancer is one of them and if detected early can be completely cured. If you experience any bone cancer symptoms, visit your doctor and get a complete checkup. View Full Article...

How to Reduce Estrogen Levels in Women Jun 12, 2020

High estrogen levels have been linked to obesity, menstrual irregularities, and even cancer. How to reduce estrogen levels in women? A combination of dietary and lifestyle changes can do the trick. View Full Article...

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma Jun 08, 2020

Invasive lobular carcinoma is a type of breast cancer that may affect older women who have a strong family history of the disease or other risk factors. Early detection and treatment measures are necessary. View Full Article...

Hot Flashes Jun 07, 2020

Hot flashes are a treatable medical condition that is caused mostly because of declining levels of estrogen in women approaching menopause. Numerous home remedies and medical treatments are available for effectively treating the symptoms of hot flashes. View Full Article...

Side Effects of Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer May 25, 2020

When used in hormone therapy, Tamoxifen can treat current breast cancer and prevent recurrence of breast cancer.Side effects of Tamoxifen for breast cancer resemble menopausal symptoms, as well as changes in uterus. View Full Article...

Vulvar Cancer Symptoms May 19, 2020

Malignant transformation of vulvar cells is referred to as vulvar cancer. There are a number of treatment options available but the key is early diagnosis with the help of knowledge about vulvar cancer symptoms discussed in this article. View Full Article...

Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer May 16, 2020

Besides lumps, many other signs and symptoms of breast cancer can help detect the condition. Women should remain alert and watch out for these signs so that they can get treatment for the cancer. View Full Article...

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