If I Don't Get My Period on Birth Control, Am I Pregnant?

"If I don't get my period on birth control, am I pregnant? This is something that has been disturbing me for a while now. I have been in a long term relationship, during which I have been taking the pill as a birth control measure. To be specific, the pill I have been taking is Microgyno. Until now, I had no problem with the pill and my health is good. Recently I underwent a medical check-up, which confirmed that my blood pressure was okay. Additionally, I lead a healthy lifestyle and do not smoke. After I was through with the monthly dosage, I did not get my period."

This is a problem that has been disturbing many ladies across the world. Some of them even think that they are not having their periods because they are pregnant.

If I Don't Get My Period on Birth Control, Am I Pregnant?

Basically, failing to get one period while you have been on the pills and have not skipped any pill, is not a cause of concern. This is normal and it happens to many ladies. If this happens, you should just ignore it and start the next month pack at the right time. If you skip two periods in a row and have been taking the pills correctly, you’re still probably fine; however, it's recommended that you seek medical attention if you're really concerned and have a pregnancy test carried out. If you skipped a pill and you have missed the period, you should just continue taking the pills and seek medical attention at the same time.

If I'm Not Pregnant, Why Is My Period Late?

"I'm on the pill and my period is late, yet I am not pregnant." This is a question that many ladies have been asking medical practitioners. Some even say "I've cramps but no period birth control, what does that mean?" After you have stopped the pills, the period may delay for a couple of weeks or even months. At first, the period will be irregular. However, you have to note that ovulation will be taking place two weeks prior to the period.

When you experience a delayed period, it implies that the entire ovulation cycle is late, not just the bleeding part. This may be attributed to a number of things, such as emotional and physical changes. Additionally, an interruption of a day or two can lead to a delayed cycle. Other factors that may lead to a delayed period are:

  • Anxiety
  • Elevated stress levels
  • Beginning or stopping using a birth control method
  • Changes in diet
  • Increased physical activity
  • Travelling
  • Illness
  • Being anxious
  • Interrupted sleeping patterns
  • Changes in hormone levels
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Thyroid complications
  • Menopause or perimenopause
  • Certain medications
  • Underweight and overweight problems

Other FAQs About Birth Control Pill

Other than just the delayed period, ladies have many questions they would like to get answers to regarding the birth control pills. Mentioned here are some of the frequently asked questions in this field.

What you should expect after stopping taking the pill?

Many ladies think that they should just quit taking the pills the moment they are ready to have a baby. This is not advisable as it can offset the menstrual cycle. Instead, you should first complete the dose you were taking before stopping. After stopping, you should get your period in a month or so, unless you are already pregnant by this time. Taking a month off the pills or stopping taking the pills altogether will lead to light bleeding or spotting, normally referred to as withdrawal bleeding. This is normal and should not come as a surprise.

How stopping pills can impact on your fertility?

Normally, taking birth control pill does not affect your fertility. If you stop taking the pill, you should go back to your usual fertility level. That is to say, if you used to have regular or irregular periods, you will probably go back to the same in a couple of months. Additionally, it is possible to conceive the first month after stopping the pill, but it may take some time for some ladies. While it is not necessary, health experts advise that you should wait until you have a full cycle after stopping taking the pills before attempting to conceive once again.

How long should it take to conceive after stopping taking the pill?

There is no definite period that you will take to become pregnant after you have stopped taking the pills. While some ladies will conceive immediately after stopping the pill intake, others may take months. To enhance your chances of conception, you should start taking prenatal vitamins or minimal amount of a folic acid supplement. Additionally, you should also stop taking alcohol and smoking.

Is it necessary to combine the pill with other contraceptives?

If you happen to miss a pill, condoms are the recommended contraceptive to use when having sexual intercourse. Additionally, pills cannot protect you against sexually transmitted infections. As such, it is advisable to use condoms to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms are also the wise way to go if you are taking medications that cannot be taken along with the pills or when suffering from vomiting or diarrhea.

Is it okay to use the contraceptive pills while breastfeeding?

After giving birth, you should wait for at least six months before starting taking the pills once again. This is mainly because using any estrogen-based contraceptive can lead to blood clotting after birth. If after the six months the breastfeeding is okay, you may resume taking the pill. However, if you are not producing enough breast milk or the baby is experiencing some nursing problems, it is not advisable to start using the pills.

What will happen if you fail to get your period after you have stopped taking the pills?

Normally, it may take up to three months to start getting your period after you have stopped taking the pills. Once introduced into the body, the pills will prevent the body from producing hormones that regulate the ovulation cycle and menstruation. After you have stopped taking the pills, it may take some time for the body to return to the normal hormone production. However, if you still do not get the period after three months, it could be a result of a condition referred to as post-pill amenorrhea. In such a case, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test and seek medical attention if the test is negative.

Can pills affect pregnancy test results?

Taking birth control pills cannot affect the results of pregnancy tests. Pregnancy test kits work by determining the level of pregnancy related hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the urine or blood. The ingredients in a birth regulation pill do not affect the functioning of pregnancy test kits.

Is it safe to use various pills at once, in case of emergency contraception?

Well, it is possible to use various standard estrogen-progestin pills at the same time for emergency contraception. However, it is advisable to seek advice from your doctorregarding the dosage and timing for the pills. For emergency contraception, there are two main pill types that may be used, usually known as "morning-after pills" which include levonorgestrel (OTC) and the Ulipristal acetate (prescription).

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