4 Possible Causes of Oily Urine

Rarely do people take a good look at their urine. As a matter of fact, fewer people ever notice any changes in the color, consistency or even smell of their urine. However, the urine you pass can offer significant information regarding the condition of the body. For instance, the color, consistency and odor of your urine or oily urine can tell you how much you have been drinking, what you have been eating or even signify a certain disease or infection in the body.

Possible Causes of Oily Urine

The urine mainly comprises of waste products and excess water from the body. The waste products and excess water are filtered from the blood by the kidneys. Additionally, urine contains a certain amount of urochrome, a pigment in blood. It is this pigment that gives urine its yellow color. However, the color of urine is also determined by the level of hydration of the body and ranges from light yellow to dark yellow or tinted orange. Mentioned are some of the possible causes of traces of oil in urine.

1. Dehydration

If your urine is golden yellow in color, it may be a sign that the body is dehydrated. Dehydration can be as a result of vigorous activity, such as exercise. Additionally, dehydration in the body may also be caused by excessive sweating due to high temperature or sickness. Once you notice that your urine is dark yellow in color, you should increase water intake. If drinking more water does not solve the issue or you show other symptoms, you should seek medical attention.

2. Excessive Vitamins

Oily urine may be an indicator of excess vitamins in the body. Additionally, it may be a sign that the vitamins are not being absorbed into the body. In such a case, you should change your diet to include whole food supplements that are easy for the body to absorb.

3. Chyle

Basically, it is normal to have a small amount of oil-like substance in the urine. This is particularly the case when the urine is allowed to sit in the bladder for a long period. However, if the amount of this substance is too much or is accompanied by a milky appearance of the urine, it is advised that you seek medical attention. In this case, the oily substance is chyle, which comprises of proteins and fats.

4. Ketones in Urine

Ketones appear in the urine when the body is in a state referred to as ketosis. This can happen when you are on a stringent dietary regimen, are starving or you have uncontrolled diabetes. Though this condition is thought to be dangerous, but it depends. Under normal conditions, the body breaks down carbohydrates to produce energy. When the carbohydrate reserves in the body are over, the body will break down fats. It is this metabolism of fats that leads to ketones in the urine.

Oily Urine: What to Do

The urinary system is among the most important systems, with regards to removal of water products and toxins from the body. Once the kidney filters waste products that are soluble in water from the blood, along with the excess water, they are eliminated from the body through urine.

If you notice a strange odor from your urine, there is a reason to be concerned because it could be an indicator of a serious condition, such as cancer or an infection. However, the strange smell could just be a result of what you ate the previous day. Certain foods, like asparagus and beets can lead to a strange odor in the urine. The change in color and odor of urine may be a result of various factors. However, you should have a general idea of how normal urine looks and smells. This way, you will know when the urine changes and seek medical attention.

Other Urine Facts to Look Out For

Under normal conditions, urine does not have a strong odor. A strong pungent or ammonia-like odor could be an indicator of an infection or kidney stones. A sweet smell in your urine could be an indicator of diabetes. However, the change in smell of the urine could be as a result of certain foods like asparagus. The frequency of urination could also serve as an indicator of a medical condition. On average, a healthy person should visit the bathroom about six to eight times in a day. However, this may vary, depending on the amount of fluids you take. If you feel the urge to urinate regularly and are not taking extra fluids, the problem could be any of the following:

  • An infection in the urinary tract
  • Overactive bladder, caused by involuntary contractions of bladder muscles
  • Diabetes
  • Neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's disease or stroke
  • Interstitial cystitis, caused by irritation or inflammation of the bladder
  • Benign prostate enlargement

Other urine aspects that you should be concerned about are:

1. Super Clear Urine

Too dilute urine is an indicator that you are taking excess fluids and may lead to over hydration. Basically, you should take fluids equivalent to half of your body weight, in ounces, every day. If the clear urine is accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, vomiting and skin yellowing, the cause could be viral hepatitis or cirrhosis.

2. Dark Brown Urine

While dark brown colored urine may be a result of a medication, it may also be a sign of a liver condition. This is particularly the case if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as pale-colored or a yellow complexion in the stools. If this happens to be the case, you should see a physician for diagnosis.

3. Orange Urine

Orange urine may be a result of various factors. For instance, it could be due to the medication you are taking. It may also be caused by taking too much of orange or red colored foods, such as beets and berries.

4. Blue Urine

The green-blue color of your urine could be a result of medication. In this case, you should see a physician about the issue. In other cases, the pigmentation may be a result of consuming certain foods like asparagus or other artificially colored foods.

5. Red or Pink Urine

A red or pink color in the urine can be a result of eating foods with dark pigments, such as rhubarb, blackberries and beets. This pigmentation may also be an indicator of a kidney or bladder infection. In this case, you will also experience other symptoms, such as lower abdominal pain, low back pain and urgency to urinate. The red or pink color in the urine may also be a result of taking iron supplements.

6. Cloudy Urine

Cloudy urine in most cases is caused by kidney stones. In such a case, the cloudy urine will be accompanied by lower abdomen pain, urinary urgency, pain while urinating, low back pain and an oily pee in some cases.

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